Process Indicators & Controllers

Our Process Indicators and Controllers are vital for monitoring and managing critical parameters such as temperature, pressure, flow rate, and level. Operating on a feedback control system, they continuously measure the process variable (PV) and adjust the control output (CO) to keep the system within the desired range. These devices are extensively used in industrial systems to ensure efficient and reliable performance across various applications, including temperature, pressure, and speed regulation.

Features :
4-digit seven-segment digital LED displays
On-Off or PID control action options
Standard analog signals and Sensor Inputs.
Low input impedance – negligible load on loop.
High accuracy and linearity to input signal
Single / Dual / Four Relay change-over contacts
Fully configurable
Menu selectable Temperature Sensors
Temperature Linearization
Analog Retransmission Option
Data Communication on Modbus RTU

Product Models

Digital Process Indicator

Why you should buy:

Low cost digital metering
Universal Input signals
High accuracy and linearity
All process inputs like 4 to 20 mA DC, 0 to 10 VDC and all standard Temperature Sensors like RTD Pt-100, Thermocouple types J,K,R,S and all other industrial sensor Inputs.
Digital LED and LCD displays.
Low Input impedance – negligible load on loop.
High accuracy and linearity to input signal
3-½ digit and 4-digit seven-segment displays
Available in all DIN standard dimensions

Digital Process Controller

Why you should buy:

Low cost Controller
Universal input signals
Panel or Field mt execution
All process inputs like 4 to 20 mA DC, 0 to 10 VDC and standard Temperature Sensors like RTD Pt-100, Thermocouple types J,K,R,S and all other industrial sensor Inputs.
High accuracy and linearity to input signal
External Transmitter powering option.
The instrument may be used in either two-wire or four-wire configuration and is calibrated as specified.
The instruments offer up to four Relays for control action, the set-points of which may be set from the front keyboard.
Single and Dual, 4-digit, 0.5”/0.4” seven-segment LED display.
Panel mount, DIN rail mount, Weather-proof / Flame-proof executions.

Digital PID Controller

Why you should buy:

Precision PID control action
Efficient Autotune algorithm
Bar Graph display for PID
Universal Input signals and Temperature Sensors
PID Tuning - Auto or Manual selectable
Two control Relay outputs
4 to 20 mA DC output signal as retransmission or PID control
Aux 24VDC Power output option for external Transmitter
High accuracy and linearity
Data communication on RS485 Modbus RTU

Flameproof Digital Indicators and Controllers

Why you should buy:

Compact aesthetic designs
Exd & PESO certifications
High performance control
Instruments such as Digital Loop Powered Indicators, LED Meters and process Indicators for all applications, On/Off Controllers, Dual channel Indicators and PID Controllers are some of the instruments offered in flameproof execution.
Exd certified Aluminum die-cast enclosures or Stainless Steel SS-316 cast enclosures.
Complete mounting accessories in Stainless steel are offered for field or 2" pipe mounting.
Enclosures certified for use in Gas Groups IIA, IIB and IIC, Zone 1 and 2 areas for Flameproof applications as per IS/IEC 60079-1:2007.
Ingress Protection IP66 as per IS/IEC 60529:2001 for Weather­proof applications

Loop Powered Indicators

Why you should buy:

LCD or LED indications
Intrinsically Safe certified
Low Forward Voltage drop
Analog signal Loop powered Indicators (no external power supply)
Options of LCD or LED seven segment displays.
Offered in Panel-mount, Weatherproof and Flameproof executions.
Field mount execution in IP66 certified polycarbonate enclosures for Weatherproof applications as per IS/IEC 60529:2001
Aluminum die-cast Ex-d certified enclosures for use in Gas Groups IIA, IIB and IIC, Zone 1 and 2 atmosphere for Flame­proof applications as per IS/IEC 60079-1:2007.
Intrinsically Safe Exi certified design

Bar Graph Indicators

Why you should buy:

Dual 100 segment Bar graph
Digital & Bargraph Indications
Control action & retransmission
Single and Dual channel versions.
Process units on digital display and Percentage units on Bargraph display.
Two Displays per channel :
a. 100-segment LED Bar graph for % PV display of each input channel
b. 4-digit, 0.3” seven-segment red LED display for PV of each channel.
Dual Relay control outputs for each channel.
Analog retransmission for each channel.
Selectable Decimal point

Humidity & Temperature Indicator

Why you should buy:

Dual Temp & RH Indication
Precision Sensor probe
Relays and Retransmission
Microcontroller based design.
RH+T external Sensor Probe Input
Dual 4-digit seven-segment LED displays for RH and Temperature.
Up to Four Relay change-over contacts - two for each parameter.
Retransmission for each parameter.
Universal AC Power Supply.
On-Off control action options.